Friday 13 April 2012

Evaluation Q3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout our production we have tried to use common codes and conventions to appeal to our primary and secondary target audiences. A target audience is a group of people who you aim your product at, you use certain ideas in the hope that it will appeal to them. However, all good film makers try and make their products appeal to everyone in order to make more money. 

Our primary target audience is of the male gender between the ages of 15-24. After researching we found that it is mainly males who like the alternative/indie genre. However, we noticed that there was room for a secondary audience. We found this to be females aged 15-24. With the narrative being based around a relationship, it is around this age where romance starts playing a big role in someones life. People experience break-ups and can relate to the experience viewed on screen. This also helps us appeal to our secondary audience, females, through the use of a 'rom-com' like genre being used. One of the clothing codes we decided on was for the female to be wearing a red jacket in the first scenario. After playing around with colouring and layering whilst editing, I managed to make the jacket significantly stand out. The idea was to make it signify romance and love, thus further linking it to our secondary audience.

Throughout the process we recieved all sorts of audience feedback helping us to improve our video. We used such social networking sites as Twitter, Facebook and different internet Forums, where we posted our video and asked for any comments. However, we found that our most helpful source of feedback came from class discussions. This is when we showed our work in class and then asked for feedback from the rest of the group. I took notes and blogged on what was said during the discussion. Here is an example of feedback we received after we showed some friends our 3rd rough cut.

We took on board all the feedback that was given to us and discussed very idea. Some ideas such as; turning the memories of the narrative into black and white, we rejected because we didn't believe it would work. However the majority of feedback given to us we used to make changes to our video. Here is a list of changes made due to our feedback:
  • Less performance shots and more narrative.
  • Have five scenarios instead of three. 
  • Get rid of the 'on side' performance shots.
  • Keep the camera steady in the narrative shots. 
  • Make the narrative more clear.
  • Change the way in which we go from past to present in the narrative. 
After gaining feedback we made the changes to the video and then asked for further feedback. The people who we aimed at getting feedback from 

There is a clear use of audience feedback shown in all three of our products. Every time we received feedback we produced a new version/idea after using the notes we gathered together. This meant that our work was meeting all the common codes and conventions needed to attract to our target audience. 

Here is a vodcast taking you through some of the reasons why we used audience feedback, who our audience was and what we gained from the feedback: 

Here is an example of some performance footage we filmed, we then gathered audience feedback from people our age (target audience) and made notes on what we needed to change. This feedback was gathered from a group discussion in class where the average age was 17 and of both sexes. This being targeting both or primary and secondary audiences. 
Here is the feedback we received:
  • Remove the dutch angle that appears in numerus shots, this can be done on final cut.
  • Good use of focus adjustment throughout the video, this is done through using a 'Nikon D300's' camera with a lense on it.
  • The video was well synced with the audio.
  • Too much focus on the lead singer. More shots of other band members.
  • More cut away shots of instrument pedals and amps.
  • Good use of camera movement throughout the video.
  • Possibly include more shots off all band members.

After receiving this feedback we produced our first rough cut (including narrative) using this feedback and produced the video below: 

As you can see we made many changes such as; we got rid of all the dutch angel shots, we added a narrative, we increased the number of cutaway shots and we played around with the effects in iMovie. Overall I believe without the audience feedback this video would have not been improved this much.

1 comment:

  1. you need a lot more than this george
    read my blog guides, and think especially about getting more video evidence of not just feedback but also research into whether your defined tgt aud is matched with interest/knowledge from that aud (+ feed into R+P posts)
    need to address all 3 texts + be much, much more detailed on feedback - use YT annotation tool at least once


Please ensure that any comments are relevant to the information or post on my blog.